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See what PRP can

do for your body.

PRP cutting edge research and technology can help heal many injuries and pain found through the entire body. Even lifelong pains and seaming irreversible damage can now be cured back to its original state and performance.


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Treatable Conditions:

Regenerative Medicine


Regenerative medicine is a new medical specialty that focuses on harnessing and using your body’s own natural ability to heal itself.  It has the potential to repair all types of tissue damage, offering an alternative solution for people who have conditions that are chronic and, often times, require surgery.


An example of regeneration in nature is seen when a lizard loses its tail and has the ability to grow a new one back.  While we, as humans, are unable to grow an arm or leg after it has been amputated, we do have an incredible innate ability to repair almost all types of tissue. Think about it:  when your body has a wound, even deep wounds, the wound always heals and the body part (unless the damage is extremely severe) regains its function.  The body part is just like it was before it was injured!


At Bakersfield PRP, our providers deliver specific types of cells or cell products to damaged tissues for the purpose of restoring tissue function. The goal at Bakersfield PRP is to provide a minimally invasive, low cost alternative for patient’s that have medical conditions that require surgery or where surgery has failed.

Regenerative medicine holds the promise of definitive, affordable health care solutions that heal the body from within.

What injuries does PRP work for best?


We have had excellent results in treating knees, shoulders, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, hips, SI joints, facet joints, and greater trochanter bursitis. We perform the PRP injections under ultrasound guidance or fluoroscopic guidance.  Since there are no chemicals involved, it is safe to inject PRP just about anywhere in the body.


Do you have a set cost?


Most procedures can be done for under $999.  Over 90% of our patients have only required 1 treatment. Don’t be fooled by other practices telling you that you need 2-3 treatments to see any noticeable results.  The majority of our patients have experienced outstanding results with just 1 treatment. Practices in and around Los Angeles can charge up to $2000 for a single treatment, with the doctors requiring patients to do multiple treatments.


Is PRP Safe?


Both platelet rich plasma and stem cells do not require the use of any drugs or substances not originally found inside your body.  PRP and stem cells are completely natural.  They are the essence of your body healing itself. To prepare PRP, some of the patient’s blood is withdrawn sterilely and then centrifuged two separate times to isolate and concentrate the healing and growth factors.   No chemicals, drugs, or other unnatural substances are added to the PRP.  The PRP is then re-introduced into the patient wherever the healing is needed. The use of stem cell therapy and/or PRP therapy is completely and totally safe.  Both types of therapy involve the insertion of a person’s own cells into a targeted area in the hopes that growth and healing factors found in the cells will provoke the person’s body to regenerate and repair itself

Why Bakersfield PRP?


Bakersfield PRP originated out of Pain Institute of Central California. Our providers live in and practice in Bakersfield. We have spent over 3 years learning all that there is to learn about regenerative medicine even before treating our first patient. Our success rate is second to none. Due to popularity of PRP, it is important to be aware that there are some providers that will take a weekend course or two and suddenly believe they are specialists.  This is how our practice differs. Our treatment plan is based on identifying the correct and accurate diagnosis before treatment is ever initiated. We don’t’ just stick a needle in a body part and hope for the best. If your desire is to try to fix what is damaged as opposed to just covering up the symptoms, you need PRP

What is PRP?


Platelet rich plasma, also known as PRP, is a concentrated amount of a person’s own healing and growth factors found in their blood. While for years it has been known that platelets where necessary to clot blood

and stop a person from bleeding, it has been only in the past 20 years that the medical community has realized that there exists healing and growth factors in the platelets, as well. Contact us to learn more!




If you have pain or discomfort from a known injury that is not healing, then PRP is a good choice. If you have been told that your knees, hips, or shoulders have bone-on-bone grinding that may require arthroscopic surgery,

then PRP is for you. If you don’t’ want to undergo surgery, but still want to maintain normal activity level, then PRP is for you. If you want to be treated with the most natural treatment available, then PRP is for you.









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Pain Institute of Central CA 9802 Stockdale Hwy #105,

Bakersfield, CA 93311



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